Funding to implement clean technologies in aquaculture and fisheries

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About the program

Get up to 75% of the funds required to implement market-ready clean processes, clean technologies or sustainable practices, such as protocols and harvesting techniques. The Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program (FACTAP) encourages Canadian fisheries and aquaculture industries to reduce the potential environmental impacts of their activities. This is done by implementing clean technologies and measures.



Not currently accepting project proposals

Who may apply

To be eligible, you must be currently active in, or support activities related to, the fish and seafood sectors, including:

  • wild capture fisheries
  • fisheries aquaculture
  • processing of fisheries products

You must also be one of the following:

  • a commercial enterprise, including:
    • companies
    • individuals (self-employed)
  • an Indigenous organization, such as:
    • groups
    • associations
    • communities
  • an industry or professional association

When submitting a complete project proposal submission, you must provide a letter of support from the lead provincial agency/ministry where the project is to take place.

Applicants will be required to demonstrate that they’re currently active or directly supporting the fish and seafood sectors through the provision of financial statements. Projects must provide unaudited financial statements for the 2 most recent fiscal years.

Eligible activities

Eligible activities under the program include putting into effect market-ready:

  • clean processes
  • clean technologies
  • sustainable practices, such as protocols and harvesting techniques aimed at improving the day-to-day environmental performance operations of:
    • wild capture harvesting
    • aquaculture facilities
    • fisheries processing plants

Ineligible activities

To be considered for funding, proposals must meet basic eligibility criteria and align with the spirit and intent of the program. This intent is to enhance the adoption of clean technologies into the day-to-day operations of existing aquaculture, wild capture fisheries or fish processing sectors to improve their environmental performance and global competitiveness.

Accordingly, funding is not available for:

  • early-stage research and development activities (TRL 1 – 6)
  • fisheries, aquaculture, processing operational start-ups (e.g., new businesses) nor company expansion projects (e.g., production increases)
  • major capital purchases, such as buildings and rolling stock
  • facilities improvement not directly tied to the adoption of clean technologies or measures
  • projects that only use fish as part of their production process but aren’t the primary product resulting from the operation (e.g., hydroponics)

How to apply

Give your application the best chance at approval. AKR Consulting has an 99% approval rating across all Canadian funding programs.

For any inquiry, please call: AKR Consulting Canada at 905-678-6368


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